There Is A Place In The Movement For All Of Us (Earth Day 2021)

Community organizers say there is space in the movement for ALL of us. Social Movements, often referred to as movements, are sustained campaigns in support of a social goal, typically related to the implementation of a change in society's values. As we work to create a more just and equitable society, the language of movement is often used. Examples of movements include but are not limited to the Women's Rights, Social Justice, Abolitionist, and the Environmental movements. The Environmental Movement is an umbrella where other distinctive movements derive yet focus on specific ideas like water protection, climate, conservation, etc. 

Environmental movements make evident that women worldwide, from all walks of life, have and continue to contribute their gifts, promoting values that prioritize nature and people's protection. We often celebrate past and modern environmental exemplars like Wangari Maathai, Rachel Carson, Robin Wall Kimmerer, and Berta Isabel Cáceres Flores. Each of these women and so many others have been pivotal in promoting, preserving, and protecting the environment. In addition to public figures, many people are working within our river basin, protecting our waterways and natural environment through education, advocacy, and action. 

For Earth Day and throughout the summer, Yadkin Riverkeeper will be sharing a series of downloadable illustrated worksheets for youth and families created by Jessica Hardee. Jessica is a student and environmental advocate eager to invite and support youth in finding their voice and passion for the environment. A junior at Wake Forest University, Jessica is double majoring in History and Art History. Long term, Jessica aspires to attend Law School, practice environmental law, and serve on staff with organizations like the Audubon Society or the Sierra Club.

Jessica is originally from Morganton, NC, located in the neighboring Catawba River Basin. She credits her passion for the environment to growing up surrounded by nature in Morganton,

"I have been surrounded by the outdoors my whole life. Growing up as an only child, my parents and I did a lot of bonding at the surrounding state parks. Now when I visit, I spend 90% of my time on the greenway. It's an 8-mile system that runs along the [Catawba] River." 

When she isn’t being a student and exploring the greenways in her hometown, she is an avid bird watcher, with a plan to visit each of the 423 National Parks. Jessica shared that reading “A Sand County Almanac: And Sketches Here and There” also served as a catalyst and fuel for her commitment to environmental activism. Through art and advocacy, Jessica is finding her place and inviting others to connect to and protect the environment. She believes that we can help all people better connect to the environment and the environmental movement through education.  

The Yadkin River-themed illustration series features a woman waterkeeper, diverse plants and animals that live in the Yadkin Pee Dee River Basin, and a couple of hydrological cycles. Jessica has hopes each activity sheet displays "the importance of biodiversity and purpose the river serves for people, plants and animals." 

Click Here to download our Earth Day 2021 activity sheets.
